About me 张铁赢
I am a research scientist and manager at Bytedance US lab. Before joining Bytedance, I was a research scientist and manager at Alibaba DAMO Academy. Before that I was a postdoc in the Computer Science Department (Database Group) at Carnegie Mellon University, working with Prof. Andy Pavlo and Anthony Tomasic, on AI-powered database systems. Prior to coming to CMU, I was an assistant professor at Chinese Academy of Sciences. My areas of research are AI for Systems and Systems for AI.
Academic and Industry Services:
PC member: FSE’25 (industry), ICDE’25 (industry), ATC’25, ICDM’24 (Area Chair), ATC’24, ICDE’24 (industry), VLDB’24, ICDE’23 (industry), ICDM’23 (Area Chair), ICDE’22, VLDB’21 (industry), ICDE’21, …
I am working on ByteBrain, which serves as Bytedance’s AI for Infra (AI for System) platform.
My open source project Domino becomes the core component of HP’s DBMS Trafodion (now Attic). Domino is a transaction processing engine, that utilizes HBase’s multi-version to handle distributed transactions.