About me 张铁赢

I am a research scientist and manager at Bytedance US lab. Before joining Bytedance, I was a research scientist and manager at Alibaba DAMO Academy. Before that I was a postdoc in the Computer Science Department (Database Group) at Carnegie Mellon University, working with Prof. Andy Pavlo and Anthony Tomasic, on AI-powered database systems. Prior to coming to CMU, I was an assistant professor at Chinese Academy of Sciences. My areas of research are AI for Systems and Systems for AI.

Academic and Industry Services:

PC member: FSE’25 (industry), ICDE’25 (industry), ATC’25, ICDM’24 (Area Chair), ATC’24, ICDE’24 (industry), VLDB’24, ICDE’23 (industry), ICDM’23 (Area Chair), ICDE’22, VLDB’21 (industry), ICDE’21, …


  • I am working on ByteBrain, which serves as Bytedance’s AI for Infra (AI for System) platform.

  • My open source project Domino becomes the core component of HP’s DBMS Trafodion (now Attic). Domino is a transaction processing engine, that utilizes HBase’s multi-version to handle distributed transactions.